A new friend

Created by Helen 3 years ago
I am probably one of Mary's newest friends and only got to know her at the beginning of Lockdown.  I happened to put notes through the doors of older people on our road, offering to help if needed, and Mary was one of three who replied.  Initially I did a bit of shopping but after just a few weeks, she was well organised with home deliveries and didn't need much from me at all.  The one thing she did want was the Saturday paper and I was happy to deliver this just before lunch each Saturday.  We shared a coffee on the doorstep and a good long chat, catching up with each other's limited exploits of the week and those of our families.  It was amazing how many links we found - Birmingham, studying languages, Edinburgh University, foreign holidays.  And then Mary started sharing culinary delights - scones and muffins from the new oven, soup and Helen's honey!  I can't believe I knew Mary for less than a year, but those Saturday chats will always be very much part of my 2020 Lockdown - I'll miss them xxx
